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Dog Harness - NO PULL

As you can imagine there are 1000’s of different harnesses on the market and many benefits from using a dog harness in comparison to a dog collar. But to ensure your dog is comfortable and no damage is being caused, it is imperative that a non-restrictive or unrestrictive harness is being used.

By using an unrestrictive harness, it allows the front legs and the shoulder joints to move as they would usually without a h

arness on. The harness should fit comfortably, and you should only be able to fit two fingers underneath all sides of the harness, we have a video on our YouTube channel which shows you how to fit our harnesses correctly.

If your dog pulls or is not able to walk nicely on the lead, you should choose a harness which is padded and has a D-Ring (or attachment point) on the back. Our Original design harnesses have two-point attachments on them to help with training. Simply attach a lead to the front of the harness and another to the back of the harness for greater control and to reduce pulling.

The benefit of a dog harness is that it takes away the pressure from your dog’s neck in oppose to a collar. This makes it less likely for them to be exposed to lead and pulling injuries. There are also many studies proving that using a harness prevents eye problems and neck pressure can lead to increasing base-line eye pressure. This is especially important for brachycephalic breeds (short nosed breeds) such as pugs, shih-tzus, chihuahuas and French bulldogs. If you have a dog in this category, a harness is going to be a much safer option for you.


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